7 mar 2024

Elinborg joins the line-up

All artists must find their own path to self-discovery. Elinborg seems to find the answers faster than most.

It's always joyous when people come back home.

Elinborg grew up in Syðrugøta, and the village girl, who today pursues a musical education abroad, is coming home to perform at G!

All artists must find their own path to self-discovery. Elinborg seems to find the answers faster than most.

She has always been good, but her releases mark how quickly she matures and how she has developed into an incredibly good singer.

Similarly, her performances evolve very quickly, and G! was present in the room when everything fell into place. It happened recently, when Elinborg performed at Iceland Airwaves, where she took everyone by storm in a packed venue.

People were so captivated that they came back the next day to experience her special performance once again.

We dare to make the promise of a unique concert when Elinborg presents her dark, electronic mood.

Seven artists and bands will be added to G!'s lineup during this week, adding to the list of previously announced Faroese names: Alias Morera, Hamferð, Dania, Einangran, Knút, and Eivør.

Follow us as we announce a new exciting Faroese music name daily. Tickets are available for purchase at gfestival.fo.

21 jul 2024
Takk fyri í ár!

Vit vilja hervið hjartaliga takka öllum, sum vóru við til at gera G! festivalin 2024 til eina ógloymandi uppliving. Tað vóru tit, ið skaptu hesa fantastisku veitlsuna og hátíðarhaldið. Vit síggjast a… Les meira »

20 jul 2024
Syng við The Longest Johns

Her eru tekstirnir til sangirnir hjá The Longest Johns, um tú hevur hug at syngja við. Les meira »

20 jul 2024
Polkaskrúðgonga av tjaldingarökinum

Leygardagin kl 15 fer ein serlig skrúðgonga av ttjaldingarökinum yvir á festivalökið. Föroya festligasti bólkur, Die Færösche Polkaband, leiðir skrúðgonguna av veitsluhugaðum tjaldarum og öllum öðrum,… Les meira »

20 jul 2024
Tak börnini við á G! leygardagin

  Stóra barnatiltakið á G! við Angelu og Hannibal verður leygardagin kl 12.00 til 14.30 á Spæliplássinum og heldur fram frá 14.30 til 16.00 á Sandinum. Börn 12 ár og yngri sleppa ókeypis á G! í fylgi… Les meira »

19 jul 2024
Forkela kræsnu gómarnar

ROKK BBQ toymið, Sólfinn Danielsen, Jákup Sumberg og Benjamin Petersen bjóða nakað so spennandi sum natúrvín og sjógæti, fríggjadagin frá kl. 17:00-20:00, hjá Rönn. Les meira »

19 jul 2024
Fríggjadagur á G! Festivalinum

Enn ein dagur við tónleiki og góðum lag stendur fyri framan! Les meira »