16 jul 2016

The Outstanding Eivør on her Home Field

At 22:20 tonight, one of our best and most internationally recognized Faroese artists will return to her home village for G!

Although her busy performance schedule takes her all around the globe, Gøta has always been Eivør's home village, and that means only one thing: an outstanding Eivør in high spirits. 


In 2015, Eivør released no fewer than two solo albums, the critically acclaimed "Bridges" and "Slør," and also played a central role in "At the Heart of a Selkie" with DR Big Band and DR VOkal Ensemblet. 

Going forward, she's also doing exciting collaboration with Sony Playstation on a major gaming project in LA and expecting to give concerts in a variety of international venues this year. 

But there's nothing like coming home. G! is not really G! without Eivør, and we're excited to experience her again on her home field, on the Playground (Spælipláss) at 22:20. Come and join us for what's sure to be an unforgettable performance!

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