28 jan 2025

Announcement: Emiliana Torrini (IS)

We are thrilled to announce that Icelandic artist Emiliana Torrini will perform at G! in 2025.

This is not a singer who demands your attention by shouting and screaming — she simply is. However, once you fall for the Icelandic singer with the Italian name, you’ll stay captivated for life.

The world-renowned artist has enchanted listeners for more than 20 years. You might recognize her celebrated song "Jungle Drum," or perhaps you’ve heard her haunting performance of "Gollum’s Song" from The Lord of the Rings.

In recent years, she has been recording and performing with The Colorist Orchestra, but she’s now back with her first solo album in a decade: Miss Flower. True to her style, the album moves seamlessly between dark and mysterious electronic sounds and an intimate acoustic vibe. The new album is a masterpiece and has received outstanding reviews. In Miss Flower, Emiliana explores the letters and diaries of the enigmatic Geraldine Flower, telling stories of love, secrets, and adventures that make for an incredibly captivating narrative.

A Grammy-nominated artist who has collaborated with Kylie Minogue, Emiliana Torrini is now giving you the chance to experience her live at G!

You simply can’t miss it!

G! will take place from July 17–19, 2025.


Gollum's Song

18 feb 2025
LEWIS FITZGERALD - fær hjørtu at smelta á G!

Onkuntíð ljóðar tað ikki, sum tað sær út, ella sær tað ikki út, sum tað ljóðar.  Les meira »

11 feb 2025
Heimskendi Trentemøller kemur at framföra á G! í summar

Heimsstjörnan Trentemøller breyt ígjögnum við útgávuni The Last Resort, og serliga lagið Moan gjördist sera kent. Les meira »

4 feb 2025
Beinir setir gongd á pallin á sandinum

Hóast enn ungur, hava vit longu kent mannin leingi her heima. Talan er um Beinir, sum hevur sungið inn sangir síðani hann var lítil piltur. Les meira »

28 jan 2025
G! kunngerð: Emiliana Torrini (IS)

Vit kunngera hervið við stórari gleði, at íslendska Emiliana Torrini kemur at framföra á G! í 2025. Les meira »

9 des 2024
Keyp atgongumerki nú og fá ein fjepparalut

Tú sparir enn 600 kr., um tú keypir atgongumerki til G! nú, harafturat eru vit í jólagávuhýri, so öll tit, ið keypa atgongumerki fram til 20. desember 2024 ella so leingi goymsla er, kunnu velja ein f… Les meira »

28 nov 2024
KALEO fer at seta Götuvík á kók!

Í dag er íslendski bólkurin KALEO eitt heimskent navn. Teir hava vitjað her fyrr, tá ið teir í 2014 spældu á spæliplássinum í Syðrugötu. Les meira »