10 jul 2024

Júxn - a cultural hub

Welcome to the Júxn stage at G! Festival 2024, a vibrant hub of cultural exploration and expression. Previously known as Fjósið, this dynamic space has now expanded into three unique areas: the original Fjósið location, Tøting and Hjá Rønn.

Júxn is a representation of the culture that surrounds, underpins, and accompanies the music. It is a stage for deep immersion, a place where you can go behind the scenes and explore the more profound aspects of life. Here, we tackle difficult subjects, delve into the body, dance, and prayer, and celebrate song and literature. This is where we gain insight into why and how the present looks the way it does, how our circumstances have shaped us, and where we stand now.

Our program offers a unique blend of the familiar and the new, the comforting and the challenging, the inviting and the mysterious. It reflects the rich tapestry of Faroese culture as it unfolds in all its beauty, inspiring and surprising at every turn. You will experience the Faroese culture in its purest and most captivating form, as a remarkable and inspiring fusion of old and new, familiar and strange, comforting and challenging.

The Faroese culture is a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern influences, creating a dynamic and evolving cultural landscape. From traditional Faroese chain dancing and ballads to contemporary art and literature, the culture here is a living, breathing entity. At "Júxn," we celebrate this diversity, showcasing everything from historical narratives to modern innovations, providing a space where the past and present coexist and enrich each other.

At Júxn, we also welcome guests from around the world, offering you a unique opportunity to gain insights into global currents. These international guests bring with them fresh perspectives and new ideas, enriching our understanding of the world and our place within it. Through their stories and performances, we connect with broader cultural movements and trends, expanding our horizons and deepening our appreciation for the diversity and richness of human expression.

18 feb 2025
LEWIS FITZGERALD - fær hjørtu at smelta á G!

Onkuntíð ljóðar tað ikki, sum tað sær út, ella sær tað ikki út, sum tað ljóðar.  Les meira »

11 feb 2025
Heimskendi Trentemøller kemur at framföra á G! í summar

Heimsstjörnan Trentemøller breyt ígjögnum við útgávuni The Last Resort, og serliga lagið Moan gjördist sera kent. Les meira »

4 feb 2025
Beinir setir gongd á pallin á sandinum

Hóast enn ungur, hava vit longu kent mannin leingi her heima. Talan er um Beinir, sum hevur sungið inn sangir síðani hann var lítil piltur. Les meira »

28 jan 2025
G! kunngerð: Emiliana Torrini (IS)

Vit kunngera hervið við stórari gleði, at íslendska Emiliana Torrini kemur at framföra á G! í 2025. Les meira »

9 des 2024
Keyp atgongumerki nú og fá ein fjepparalut

Tú sparir enn 600 kr., um tú keypir atgongumerki til G! nú, harafturat eru vit í jólagávuhýri, so öll tit, ið keypa atgongumerki fram til 20. desember 2024 ella so leingi goymsla er, kunnu velja ein f… Les meira »

28 nov 2024
KALEO fer at seta Götuvík á kók!

Í dag er íslendski bólkurin KALEO eitt heimskent navn. Teir hava vitjað her fyrr, tá ið teir í 2014 spældu á spæliplássinum í Syðrugötu. Les meira »