Omar Souleyman (SY)

The celebrated wedding singer from Syria, Omar Souleyman, is sought after to perform all over the globe, and now he will be performing at G! 2024.

He has performed at Glastonbury, Roskilde, Bonnaroo, Pitchfork Paris, and at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Norway. He has also collaborated with mightly artists such as Four Tet and Björk. He truly is a living legend amongst legends.
Sometimes it feels like the world was more exotic in the past. Faroe Islanders had huldrefolk living amongst the rocks, cut peat, had cows and fished every fish with handline. In the Middle East, they had Aladdin, flying carpets, genies in lamps, and lively food markets on the streets with colourful sun-dried spices.
Perhaps everything is becoming more alike these days. The new houses in Greece have the same bathroom tiles as the new houses in the Faroe Islands.
But Omar Souleyman is perhaps the exotic exception that proves the rule. He plays electronic music into which he mixes traditional Syrian music. The Eastern scales fly swiftly around the keyboard while the singer chants his audience into ecstasy.
The Guardian said "It's so fast that the only appropriate way to engage with it is to wriggle your limbs."
This foreign tone will echo in the mountains to remind us that the world we live in today is still a diverse and beautiful place.
NPR said "...a jam so visceral, thrilling and intense as to make the mysterious matter of earthly borders seem hardly worth the time to contemplate."
Musically speaking, this man will arrive on stage on a flying carpet, ready to play for all the mysterious huldrefolk in the Faroese fog.
A very exciting fusion. And if there's something we love at G!, it's offering our guests such special moments, with music you hardly won't experience elsewhere.
Omar Souleyman does just that, so you have to go!

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Beinir (FO)

Benjamin Rajani (FO)

Emil Karlsen (NO)

Emiliana Torrini (IS)

Ester Skála (FO)

Greta Svabo (FO)


Hallur Joensen (FO)

jazzygold (FO)

Jóannes Joensen / Bass Elvis (FO)

Kaleo (IS)

Lewis Fitzgerald (UK)

Lyon Hansen (FO)

Marius DC (FO)

Punching Bag (US)

Trentemøller (DK)