2018. SONS knocks on the door, smashes the gate, sets up its instruments, plays and wreaks havoc. Good to go. We’re here and we’re staying. And the win Belgium’s biggest alternative radio station’s talentcontest ‘De Nieuwe Lichting’

2019. ‘Family Dinner’ is released. A debut album is full of sledgehammer songs and fast-paced guitars. The world is at their feet. The budding band SONS is making a name for itself nationally and internationally as it leaves a trail of ‘what the hell was that?’ behind. Explosive energy rips the air apart. They are burning hearts into the souls of their fans.

2021. The gentlemen from Melsele (North of Flanders, near Antwerp) have already clocked up quite a few kilometres. The boyish swagger of yesteryear is gradually giving way to a rather more contemplative approach. With ‘Sweet Boy’, the band is releasing an – in its own words - ‘coming of age' record. A balancing act of a band that threw itself headfirst into the rock ‘n roll mayhem and now have to rhyme getting older and getting settled with their wild hope & dreams of the ragged rockstar life.

The band approached the Australian producer/mixer Michael Badger-Taweel, known for his work for King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, to mix the record. It became a remote collaboration, together with and in the studio of Damien Verhasselt, drummer with Belgian cult band Millionaire. The travel restrictions prevented SONS from travelling back and forth Down Under. No worries, mate. Badger-Taweel gave up his sleep to follow what SONS was working on via his screen. It was also a unique collaboration with a producer who, as a kind of all-seeing god, could keep an eye on everything.

The band wants to challenge the world and themselves. No holds barred, pedal to the freakin’ metal!

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Beinir (FO)

Benjamin Rajani (FO)

Emiliana Torrini (IS)

Ester Skála (FO)

Greta Svabo (FO)


Hallur Joensen (FO)

jazzygold (FO)

Jóannes Joensen / Bass Elvis (FO)

Kaleo (IS)

Lewis Fitzgerald (UK)

Lyon Hansen (FO)

Marius DC (FO)

Punching Bag (US)

Trentemøller (DK)