Son of Fortune (FO)

On a full moon night in July 2015, we took our instruments into an old rehearsal space in Fuglafjørður, Jan Rúni’s (drummer) hometown. We used this rehearsal space, which is normally occupied by the local brass band, intensively during our teenage years and in this familiar room, the music instantly started to flow through us.

Ideas emerged, riffs, melodies and sounds were captured on a tape recorder and all of this was to become “Son Of Fortune”. So during this full moon night of insomnia, a new era had begun. Shortly after we went into Studio Bunkarin together with long time friend and musical partner Mikael Blak where we arranged and recorded the album “Fullmáni”.

For 5 days in August, also around a full moon, our unique correlation was captured by engineer Fred Ruddick who also mixed the record.

The musical landscape we had created called for a poetic lyrical landscape. Jóanes Nielsen and Petur Pólson two famous poets from the Faroe Islands were used to to provide the music with a deeper sense of mystery, magic and refined taste.

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Beinir (FO)

Benjamin Rajani (FO)

Emiliana Torrini (IS)

Ester Skála (FO)

Greta Svabo (FO)


Hallur Joensen (FO)

jazzygold (FO)

Jóannes Joensen / Bass Elvis (FO)

Kaleo (IS)

Lewis Fitzgerald (UK)

Lyon Hansen (FO)

Marius DC (FO)

Punching Bag (US)

Trentemøller (DK)